Inpatient Rehabilitation UK Registry
A comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation process involves staying at a rehab clinic for a few weeks or months. Clients will undergo a range of therapy sessions in the same facility that they eat and sleep at. This may include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and group therapy. Some rehab clinics also offer holistic treatments like acupuncture and crystal healing to help the client relax. Read more
Inpatient Rehabilitation: Quality Care Options in the UK
The UK Rehabilitation Outcomes Collaborative national clinical registry collects systematic data from routine practice on needs, inputs, outcomes and cost efficiency across a wide variety of specialist inpatient rehabilitation services including the eight designated national Spinal Cord Injury Centres. Its comparative strength is that it includes all level 1 and 2 specialist inpatient rehabilitation units across England which are not directly commissioned by the NHS but are supported through a combination of local authority funding, compensation claims, and self-funding.
Analysis of the UKROC data demonstrates that, over time, the tertiary level 1 and 2 specialist rehabilitation units have admitted a growing number of older and more complex patients, with the associated rise in episode costs. The results also demonstrate that the level of rehabilitation achieved by the broader specialist inpatient rehabilitation population is able to offset these increases in costs within about two years, through savings in ongoing care. This means that despite increasing admissions to levels 1 and 2 specialist rehabilitation, the units remain a highly efficient and effective part of the SCI care pathway. This finding is particularly important in an environment where healthcare policies are increasingly aimed at shifting care out of the inpatient setting and into community-based settings.